Commercial Patio Covers

Serving the New Urban Trend: Ambitious Business in the Modern City

City leaders are making an effort to recapture the essence of urban…

Planning an Outdoor Space: Natural Elements

Planning an Outdoor Space: Creating a Space that is One with Nature

For most people, the only chance to appreciate nature is when they have…

ShadeFX Canopies at Big Crow Toronto

ShadeFX Spotlight: ‘Big Crow’ Spreads its Wings

Tucked neatly behind the Rose and Son’s diner, a sweet smelling smoke…

Planning an Outdoor Space - Transition

Planning an Outdoor Space: Blurred Lines Create Transitional Spaces

Over the last few seasons, designers and architects have blurred the lines…

Pre-planning an outdoor space: Measuring

Planning an Outdoor Space: How do you Measure Up?

Having a clear picture of the size and dimension in your potential outdoor…

ShadeFX Spotlight Thousand Islands

ShadeFX Spotlight: Picture Perfect in the Thousand Islands

The natural beauty and serene landscape of the Thousand Islands has been…

Preplanning an Outdoor Space - Climate Control

Planning an Outdoor Space: Climate Control

Whether you’re planning for a simple patio area or an elaborate outdoor…

Pre-Planning an Outdoor Space

Planning an Outdoor Space: Four Considerations Before You Plan

This will be the first of a four part blog entry that I hope will help you…

The Endless Value of Outdoor Spaces

The Endless Value of Outdoor Spaces

The last decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the dollars and time…

Create the Perfect Outdoor Space with ShadeFX in 2014

Create the Perfect Outdoor Space with ShadeFX in 2014

ShadeFX is looking ahead to the New Year. With exciting new projects on…